Ordering for Canadian Bookstores

Ordering and Distribution for Canadian Bookstores

ARP is represented to the book trade in Canada by the Canadian Manda Group.

General Inquiries

Canadian Manda Group
664 Annette Street
Toronto, ON M6S 2C8
Phone: (416) 516-0911
Fax: (416) 516-0917
Email: info@mandagroup.com

Customer Service & Orders

Phone: 1-855-626-3222 (1-855-MANDA CA)
Fax: 1-888-563-8327
Email: info@mandagroup.com

National Accounts

Nick Smith, Carey Low, Peter Hill-Field, Anthony Iantorno, Mark Wilson, Megan Beadle, Ellen Warwick, Kristina Koski, Dave Nadalin, Tim Gain
Phone: (416) 516-0911
Fax: (416) 516-0917
Email: info@mandagroup.com


Emily Patry
Phone: (416) 516-0911 x224
Email: epatry@mandagroup.com

Chris Hickey
Phone: (416) 516-0911 x229
Email: chickey@mandagroup.com

Quebec and Atlantic Provinces

Jacques Filippi
Phone: 1-885-626-3222 x244
Email: jfilippi@mandagroup.com

Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba

Jean Cichon
Phone: (403) 202-0922 x245
Email: cichon@mandagroup.com

British Columbia, Yukon & Northern Territories

Iolanda Millar
Phone: (604) 662-3511 ext 246
Email: imillar@mandagroup.com

Jennifer Fyffe
Phone: (604) 662-3511 x247
Email: jfyffe@mandagroup.com

Canadian Distribution Warehouse and Customer Service

University of Toronto Press Distribution
5201 Dufferin St.
Toronto, ON M3H 5T8
Phone: 1-800-565-9523, (416) 667-7791
Fax: 1-800-221-9985, (416) 667-7832
Email: utpbooks@utpress.utoronto.ca

EDI: though Pubnet: SAN 115 1134


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ARP Books
205-70 Arthur Street Winnipeg MB Canada
R3B 1G7