What’s Happening

December 17, 2020

Jordan Abel, Nisga’s Nation, author of Injun

These new poems by Janet Rogers are a straight shot metaphysical call to action in the wake of historical trauma, police violence, shameful treatment of our body Earth. They stand as urgent witness, clear talk in the face of colonized law built on lies. Rogers reminds us to pay attention, to listen. These words can heal. – Joy Harjo, Mvskoke Nation, poet and musician To give Rogers’ poems a form, a body, I would have to name them blackbird, formidable winged creatures who’ve chosen the highest branch and whose eyes allow us the vision we so often cannot see ourselves. I’m honoured to be called into this ceremony, sung awake by her prayers. Praise for Totem Poles and Railroads – Gregory Scotfield, author of Witness, I amJanet Rogers doesn’t pull any punches. All of the stinging and difficult realities of colonialism are confronted head-on and with ferocity. Rogers is here to disrupt these white landscapes. Rogers is here to call out all of the bullshit both past and present. Totem Poles and Railroads is burning to be read. – Jordan Abel, Nisga’s Nation, author of Injun


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